These unshielded RJ45 outlets are easy to terminate keeping installation time to an absolute minimum.
Features and Benefits
Outstanding system performance
Component compliant
Both 568A and 568B wiring code label
Tool or tool-less termination (note: MSSRJTOOL cannot be used with these wallplate outlets)
Generic cabling systems including:
Designed to support Cat6A Link and Channel performance.
Standard Compliance
AS/NZS 11081.1:2019
ANSI/TIA 568.2-D
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between a Cat6 and a Cat6A jack?
While these 2 jacks will typically look the same, there's a number of differences in their performance.
Cat6A Jacks support data rates of up to 10GB over distances of up to 100 metres and a bandwidth of 500MHz.
Cat6 however, only supports data rates of 1GB and a bandwidth of 250MHz.